Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pimp My Ride

Pimp My Ride
Pimp My Ride is a TV show produced by MTV. Each episode consists of taking one car in poor condition and restoring it, as well as customizing it. The original American version is hosted by rapper Xzibit. Recently, episodes from Pimp My Ride UK hosted by DJ Tim Westwood, which features cars being customised in the UK, and Pimp My Ride International, featuring cars in central Europe, hosted by hip hop artists Fat Joe and Lil' Jon as well as the related CMT series Trick My Truck have begun airing on MTV2.

Kata 'Pimp' pada dasarnya memiliki konotasi negatif :
(pĭmp) pronunciation


One who finds customers for a prostitute; a procurer.
intr.v., pimped, pimp·ing, pimps.

To serve as a procurer of prostitutes.

Namun kata yang sama dalam perkembangan bahasa lebih lanjut dapat dipakai untuk maksud berikut :

Other uses
Pimp can also be used as a verb such as "You're pimped up!" or "Pimp my ride." The latter example refers to customizing an automobile, made popular by the show Pimp My Ride on MTV.

Pembahasan saya kali ini bukanlah mengenai 'my ride' namun tentang 'my body'

Pimp My Body

Bila dalam acara 'Pimp My Ride' MTV, merupakan acara modifikasi otomotif terutama mobil, maka 'Pimp My Body' adalah suatu definisi yang saya buat sebagai hasil adaptasi dari program acara tersebut.

Pimp My Body = Body Modification

Body modification (or body alteration) is the permanent or semi-permanent deliberate altering of the human body for non-medical reasons, such as spiritual, various social (markings), BDSM "edgeplay" or aesthetic[citation needed]. It can range from the socially acceptable decoration (e.g., pierced ears in many societies), to the overtly religiously mandated (e.g., circumcision in a number of cultures) to corporal punishment, to provocative statement by the rebellious (e.g., tongue splitting). Some even become physically addicted to the adrenaline/endorphin release associated with a painful procedure in a way analogous to that experienced by those who self-harm.[citation needed] Some people experience an abstract but distinct compulsion to modify their body that appears to have no underlying or external reason.

Jenis modifikasi atau perubahan tobuh ini dapat dilihat di link diatas, namun saya hanya akan fokus pada :

Adakah keindahan didalamnya?

1. Body piercing

Something scary?

Something funny?

2. Tattoo

Permanent mark or design made on the body by pigment introduced through ruptures in the skin. The term is also loosely applied to the inducement of scars (cicatrization). Tattooing has been practiced in most parts of the world, and examples have been found on Egyptian and Nubian mummies dating from 2000 BC. Decoration is perhaps the most common motive, though designs may also serve to identify rank, status, or membership and are thought by some to provide magical protection against sickness or misfortune. The word comes from Tahiti, where it was recorded by James Cook's expedition in 1769. The first electric tattooing implement was patented in the U.S. in 1891.

It's something funny?

3. Tongue splitting

Tongue bifurcation, or tongue splitting, is a type of body modification in which the tongue is cut centrally from its tip part of the way towards its base, forking the end. Most who have had the procedure report that it enhances the pleasure of kissing. With a bit of practice, one learns to move the forks of the tongue independently. In addition to being covered under laws prohibiting the unlicensed practice of medicine, tongue splitting is now explicitly illegal in some U.S. states (and banned in the U.S. military) and effectively all surgeons refuse to do it,[citation needed] so by necessity it is an underground practice.

Apakah yang dinyatakan oleh Firman Tuhandalam hal ini?

Linear Translation

LXX Transliteration Lev 19:28 kai entomidas epi psyche ou poiesete en to somati ymon kai grammata stikta ou poiesete en ymin ego eimi kyrios o theos ymon

Literal Lev 19:28 And you shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead; and you shall not put on yourself any etched mark; I am Jehovah.

Transliteration Lev 19:28 v'Seret lanefe$ lo` TiT'nu biV'Sar'keM uk'ToVeT ka,aka, lo` TiT'nu bakeM `aniy y'hvah

KJV Lev 19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.

LAI-ITB Lev 19:28 Janganlah kamu menggoresi tubuhmu karena orang mati dan janganlah merajah tanda-tanda pada kulitmu; Akulah TUHAN.

Narasi diaas dapat dibagi menjadi dua pokok bagian :

1. Jangan menggores atau memotong (bagian anggota) tubuhmu karena orang mati.

Kalau orang suku Dani dilembah Baliem Wamena Papua sana meninggal, maka untuk menunjukkan rasa bela sungkawa, sang istri harus memotong salah satu jarinya. Nah kalau anak juga mati maka jari yang lain dipotong lagi. Makanya kalau anda anda ke Wamena mungkin ketemu sama ibu ibu yang jari udah nggak ada. Itu tandanya dia pernah berduka cita beberapa kali. Tinggal itung aja berapa jarinya yang hilang. Dengan alat kayak gini inilah jari itu dipotong. Caranya pisau batu ditaruh bagian tajamnya kemudian dipukul pegangannya dengan batu. kebayangkan gimana sakitnya. Nah katanya lagi nih, setelah jari putus maka tangan akan direndam ke kubangan kotoran babi untuk mengurangi rasa sakit serta penyembuhan.


Dani tribe, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Woman's fingers are cut off when a family member dies.

2. Jangan merajah (menggambar - tattoo - grammata stikta) kulitmu.

Mengapa hal ini dilarang oleh Tuhan?

Tubuhmu adalah bait Allah yang Kudus
Ketika Tuhan menciptakan manusia, Dia mendesain rumah bagi DiriNya, supaya Dia tinggal bersama umatNya.

1Co 6:19 Atau tidak tahukah kamu, bahwa tubuhmu adalah bait Roh Kudus yang diam di dalam kamu, Roh Kudus yang kamu peroleh dari Allah, --dan bahwa kamu bukan milik kamu sendiri?

1Co 3:16 Tidak tahukah kamu, bahwa kamu adalah bait Allah dan bahwa Roh Allah diam di dalam kamu?

Maka ketika merajah tubuh kita

Maka ketika kita melakukan body piercing atau modifikasi lainnya

Kita merusak rumah Tuhan...kita membinasakan rumah Tuhan

1Co 3:17 Jika ada orang yang membinasakan bait Allah, maka Allah akan membinasakan dia. Sebab bait Allah adalah kudus dan bait Allah itu ialah kamu.


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